Neysa Burrous, RN, RNC-MN, CLE, LRScP, MSI-BC

Neysa Burrous is an RN with a national certification in Maternal Newborn nursing as well as a certified lactation educator and is a board certified meditation specialist.
Neysa also has studied a variety of complementary health modalities. Having graduated from Centers for Spiritual Living as a Licensed Religious Science Practitioner in 2008, completed Sei Chim Reiki to master level in 1995, & graduated from a 2 year basic & advanced training course in Structural Integration & the teaching of Expressive & Effective Movement 1981 – 1982. Additional classes have included Reflexology, Touch for Health, Hoffman Process, Core Transformation course , Rapid Eye Technology basic course, & Creative Healing. Neysa continues to explore health and wellbeing with her focus being as a Meditation Specialist.
“Meditation has been a foundation in my life for four decades. I was always certain that meditation was responsible for my body’s resilience over the years. What I’ve learned from Focused Awareness Meditation has validated my perceptions with current science.”
As I began to integrate FAM into my own meditation practice, I found it enhanced an already vibrant personal practice.
Having validated FAM for my own practice I began to teach weekly meditation groups I have facilitated for about 10 years. As a meditation facilitator, I have seen how FAM provides 5 easy steps to meditation for people who are new to meditation while offering experienced meditators a path to deepening long established practices.
As a hospital staff RN, I have taught FAM to individual patients and have seen blood oxygen levels improve as well as elevated blood pressures drop into acceptable levels. FAM is an essential tool to have as we navigate the stresses of our modern lives.
I am so pleased to be able to share the joys of meditating and the many health benefits which come with having a personal meditation practice.
Location: California
Certification Year: 2022
Email Address: [email protected]
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