The Meditative Shift Podcast with Susan Taylor, PHD

Doctor Susan Taylor hosts the Meditative Shift Podcast – Author of Return to Radiance, Feeling Good Matters, and the Vital Energy Reset. Susan guides us as we navigate ancient wisdom and modern science across the topics of mind, medicine, and holistic health.

How To Remain Calm When The World Is In Turbulence

One of the most valuable life skills is the ability to live in this world and not be affected by it. In today’s episode, Susan discusses: How do we live in the world without getting disturbed? Using the hidden tool of breath Why meditation is essential


7 Codes to Reprogram Your Thinking

Are we completely at the mercy of our mind? Yes we are. Because the energy of our mind is the essence of our life. In Today’s episode, Susan discusses: How our mind gets programmed What we can do about it 7 codes to reprogram thinking patterns


Is Your Nervous System A Bit Shaky?

Our nervous system dictates our emotional and physical health. Through correct breathing we become unshakable even in turbulent conditions. In today’s episode, Susan discusses: How to build a stable and strong nervous system How breathing affects your nervous system 2 practices to get started


Can You Counteract Negative Thinking with Meditation?

The lens through which you view the world is predominantly determined by your feelings and thoughts. In today’s episode, Susan discusses: Creating a new positive habit of thinking 6 common causes that spark negativity How to bring the mind back to optimism


Does Your Lifestyle Support Resilience?

Everyone wants to be vital; but sometimes our diet and lifestyle needs to be adjusted to support resilience. In today’s episode, Susan discusses: Acquired resilience The link between vitality and resilience 7 lifestyle habits to stay vital


Do You Have Psychological Immunity?

How well we handle stress, conflict and any difficulty for that matter dictates the health of our psychological immunity.  In today’s episode, Susan talks about: Resilience as a learned skill 4 characteristics of being resilient 8 strategies to build psychological immunity and resilience


Secrets to Psychological Wellbeing

How many of us really know how our mind works? Do you ever find yourself emotionally unstable and don’t know how you got there? In today’s episode, Susan discusses: 6 rules for mental well-being The two biggest deterrents to psychological well-being 5 principles for a joyful mind And more. . .


Does Happiness Just Happen?

Did you ever feel like you chase after happiness; where happiness was to be experienced somewhere in the future? In today’s episode, Susan discusses: Happiness is a choice Negativity can be a habit Generosity brings happiness


Are You Light Hearted? Benefits of Forgiveness.

An ancient Egyptian myth offers a powerful message to lighten up; to let go of the emotional burdens that weigh us down, disturb our peace, and make it difficult to be fully present.  In today’s episode Susan discusses: Learning to forgive The benefit of positive emotions Six ideas to lighten up!


Is Focus A Challenge? Just Relax Into It.

Many meditation practices emphasize the importance of concentration. However, most find it far too difficult, leading to more tension and frustration with the feeling of failure. In today’s episode, Susan discusses: Why concentration may be difficult Relaxation as it relates to concentration Six ways to learn how to relax

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