The Meditative Shift Podcast with Susan Taylor, PHD

Doctor Susan Taylor hosts the Meditative Shift Podcast – Author of Return to Radiance, Feeling Good Matters, and the Vital Energy Reset. Susan guides us as we navigate ancient wisdom and modern science across the topics of mind, medicine, and holistic health.

Create A Personal Practice for Healing

The deepest desire that you possess is to be happy.  Everyone wants to feel good so that they can enjoy what life has to offer.  Where does one begin to design a life that promotes and supports this concept?   In today’s episode, Susan: discusses using our body as feedback to gain health and vitality  provides the three keys to getting results presents a 5 step process to discover what is your unique practice


Five Steps to Restore Vitality

Restoring our vitality requires not only that we identify what is needed but that we follow a systematic pathway to accomplish our goal. In today’s episode, Susan discusses the following topics: the five steps to restore vitality after being depleted how we create space through cleansing why nourishment raises our vibration And learn the importance of living our life’s purpose in order to create an extraordinary balanced life.


Vitamin D: The Happy Hormone

Can the sun make you happier?  Did you know that Vitamin D is responsible for activating more  than 900 genes and helps fight preventing cancer, inflammation and cognitive issues like Dementia and Alzheimers? In today’s episode, Susan discusses The science behind the Vitamin D and our gut brain axis The role of Vitamin D in gut health The  connection between Vitamin D and our  brain Important tips on how to get enough Vitamin D


Do You Have the Guts to Be Happy

Did you ever wonder why so much of how we feel  registers in our stomach?  Terms like butterflies in our stomach, or a gut feeling, or gut wrenching experiences are all tell tale signs of how our gut has feelings too.   Today, what yoga science has known for thousands of years becomes recognized by modern day science. In today’s episode, Susan discusses The science behind our connection between our gut and our brain 5 diet and nutrition practice tips  to reset your gut health Guidelines and principles to keep your health and vitality via your gut


Access The Healing Force with Meditation

Have you tried to meditate, but it seems impossible to manage?  Did you know that meditation is a practice and it takes time to learn? In this episode, Susan talks about meditation as a practice and not something that just happens without certain criteria.  She includes: Pointers to refine a practice Discusses a strategy to get started Gives a meditation practice to show you a systematic approach


Remain Calm

Are You Calm?  Consciously Aware Living in the Moment?   In today’s episode, Susan discusses: Our ability to live in the world without getting distracted or disturbed by our surrounding. How to Remain Calm by learning the art and science of meditation. Discuss a simple strategy to get started.


Digital Detox

Is your brain being hijacked by the habit of staying connected? Are you letting the “FOMO”(fear of being left out) bug take hold of your mind? In today’s episode, Susan discusses the following topics: The digital revolution – the good, the bad the ugly Health issues resulting from too much digital devicing… And provide a strategy to detox from your digital device


Ignite your Healing

In this episode, Susan Taylor discusses the dynamics of health and disease. Is your healing force going south when you are intending to be heading North? Do you have a bout of distraction leading your healing force astray? Listen in to hear the solution for getting your healing force back online. Topics include: The dynamics of health and the dynamics of disease. What are the signs and symptoms of an imbalance? And answer a listener’s question: Is there something to learn from being ill? Provide a solution for getting the healing force back online.


Pathways to Healing

In this episode, Susan Taylor discusses the Pathways to Healing, Connecting the Visible with the Invisible. Did you ever wonder what connects our mind and body together? In this episode, Susan discusses the following topics: The connection that makes our mind-body complex operate in full potential through our healing pathways How ancient medical practices have given us the secrets to healing Practical advice on how to root up our problems and eliminate disease altogether


The Healing Force Introduction

In this first episode of the Susan Taylor Podcast, Susan introduces listeners to the Healing Force. The Yoga of Mind Medicine and Healing. How we can use the healing force to turn things around. What can we do personally to create the change needed for our own health and healing. Questions from the Community. Best Solutions for Healing.

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