The Meditative Shift Podcast with Susan Taylor, PHD

Doctor Susan Taylor hosts the Meditative Shift Podcast – Author of Return to Radiance, Feeling Good Matters, and the Vital Energy Reset. Susan guides us as we navigate ancient wisdom and modern science across the topics of mind, medicine, and holistic health.

Dodge the Magic Bullet

Time and time again we are promised the quick and easy approach to diet, aging, rejuvenation by way of just one pill or potion. But, we find ourselves still searching for the cure to feel better. In today’s episode, Susan discusses the formula for creating vitality and keeping it. She discusses: Eating in tune with your metabolic clock How timing of food restores brain health The benefits of a night time fast    


Is Fasting Healthy?

A lot has been written about fasting. A lot of it as good for you as junk food. But the overall principal is the same in all of them: the body needs time to rest from the daily activity of digestion. Fasting is an ancient practice used for religious events as well as during time of health and disease. It is the bodies natural way to let go and detox; but when is it healthy or not healthy. In today’s episode, Susan discusses the following topics: How to conduct a healthy fast Benefits of conducting a daily fast A practical strategy to practice the overnight fast


Build Your Foundation for Vitality

We live in a nation with absolute abundance; yet we suffer from diseases of depletion.  We spend billions of dollars trying to stay healthy and happy; but somehow we are falling short.  What is causing this reality?   In today’s episode Susan discusses the following topics: Why we need to contain our energy for vitality What causes our vitality to drain What we can do to restore our vitality


Preventing Burnout

Everyone understands the stress of being alive in today’s current climate. Everyone knows that stress leads to burnout. Many of you have friends or colleagues that have or are experiencing this. Perhaps you, yourself , are suffering burnout as well. In today’s episode, Susan is going to discuss: The 2 skills needed to rise above the burnout factor Four brain facts to consider And a suggested breathing practice


Food for Focus

Does your brain have enough energy to focus? When, What and How you eat has a tremendous effect on all of the operations of your brain. In today’s episode, we are going to Talk about the importance of neurotransmitters in connecting our mind and brain Talk about some symptoms of neurotransmitter imbalances Discuss how special nutrients support our brain, namely Carbs, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals


Neuroscience of Focus: A look at how the Brain Focuses

What exactly is does it mean to focus? How does our brain work when we are distracted VS focused? In this episode of the Susan Taylor Podcast, we’re going to: Talk about what goes on in our brain when we focus. Discuss the changes that take place when our mind drifts off when we meditate and in life for that matter. Discuss some ideas for you to develop more focus in your life.


Train Your Focus, Rewire Your Brain

We have all heard the expression “practice makes perfect” throughout life starting in childhood. Then in 1993 Malcolm Gladwell’s book Outliers, l went on to popularize the concept that a person becomes an expert with just “10,000 hours” of focused practice. This has been debated and proven incorrect on many levels. What we do know is that practice is needed to learn and improve on any function. In today’s episode, Susan discusses: The importance of practice How special brain tissue helps us acquire mastery Four ways to get the most out of your practice


Mindfulness Works Best with Focus

Training the mind to focus requires skill and precision, the same ingredients needed for conducting a scientific expert. What we focus on is reflected in our mind field which leaves an impression on our brain. The great news is that we can train our mind to focus and create new brain pathways to support how we manage ourselves. In today’s episode, Susan discusses: Mindfulness and what it means The benefits of having an essential component of concentration to create change Three tips to get started on the path of focus


Is Mindfulness Enough?

Over the past decade our media channels have been flooded with articles in the management and the literature proclaiming the marvels of mindfulness. This movement presents mindfulness as the panacea for all ills ranging from individual unhappiness to lack of work productivity. And if so, can its claims be justified? In today’s episode, Susan discusses the following topics: Mindfulness and what it means How mindfulness is not enough for change to happen Why mindfulness needs the essential component of focus to create change  


Conscious Leadership

Everyone aspires to be great and possess the freedom and fulfillment that life has to offer. But few take the path of looking inward and recognizing that the fundamentals of leadership lie in “well being”. Leadership is  an inner skill set rather than what is most often seen with outer technical and psychological skill sets.  We define  a leader as an embodiment of consciousness that represents the desires and attitudes of a group:  family, community, or country.  Leaders represent the collective consciousness and this is why we must look at who are chosen to lead and who are not. In today’s episode, Susan talks about Leaders and leadership The benefits of focusing on well-being Tips to get inspired on the  leadership path

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